viernes, 10 de julio de 2009


Have you ever used a dictionary? For sure I can say that at least once a dictionary help you to go out of prolems.

But waht's a dictionary?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, a dictionary is:

1. A reference book containing an explanatory alphabetical list of words, either comprehensive or limited to a particular category, with information given for each word including meaning, pronunciation, etymology, and often usage guidance.

2. A book listing words of a language with translations into another languages.

3. A book listing words or other linguistic items, with specialized information about them: a medical dictionary for example.

4. Computers Sci. A list stored in a machine-readable from for reference by an automatic system.

As we could see we can use dictionaries for many purposes, from understand the meaning of a simple word to a complex and specialized meaning like a concept from medicine, law, psycology etc.

Then a dictionary help us to standarize a language and its use by giving us a specific meaning for each word taht we would use in the future or that we already use but in a wrong way. without dictionaries we would be back to the chaos that ancient people faced once, giving totally different meanings to a single words, writting as they wanted and undestanting as much as the could...

1 comentario:

  1. Very well! But you forgot to talk about the impact of the dictinaty in the English evolution...
    Rewrite your composition...
