viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

Modern English Father.

Now that we have track upon the English languague it wold be neccesary speak about one of the greatest in this language, I'm talking about William Shakespare who is considered not only the best writtern in the English history but also the father of modern Eglish.

As we all know Shakespare wrote many trasendental plays that we still admiring nowadays because of the way he used to write. The use uf unimaginable metaphors for his ephoc was the trigger that sent him straig to the history. The complexity of his sotries and the language he used to write them was extraordinary.

The flexibity of his language could have been the predecessor for the contractions that we use nowaday and obvyously he made up many phrases that we still use in modern times. Such influence to modern language could be considered for sure as the beggining of what we know nowadays as English.

1 comentario:

  1. Very well! you write as a poet. Many authors say that Shakespeare is the greatest writter, but as Cevante he has not so much been read... I hope that you continue reading his works.
